Please join fellow BAWSC participants for a spring hike to get our legs and lungs into shape to hit the water this year!
This years hike will take place at Quarry lakes Regional Park in Fremont next to Niles Canyon. The park is very close to I-880 making fairly easy and central for those club members living in the North Bay, South Bay and East Bay.

We will hike the 3.5 mile Western Pacific Trail loop. The trail is mostly flat with a mild 3% grade in a couple of spots. Trail is compressed gravel so even if it has rained the day before it won't be muddy. Dogs are allowed if on leash. For those show want a short hike you can do the inner loop around the main lake.
The hike offers great views of the lush green hills to the east and lake views all around the trail. Lot's of wild life can be seen in the park with reports of Bald Eagles being seen.

There is no BAWSC event fee for this event. There is a $5/vehicle fee (cashless only) to enter the park.
Please try and carpool to this event using the club message board to arrange car-pools.
Please pack drinks and a lunch that we will enjoy after we complete the ~1.15 hour hike in the nice picnic area over looking the main lake. .
Last Day to Register or cancel a registration: 4/9/24
As you enter into the park past the entrance gate turn left and park in that lot. We will start the hike next next to that parking lot by the picnic tables (x marks the spot in picture below)

Please plan on being in the park parking lot by 10:30 a.m. We will start hiking at 10:45 a.m. sharp so anyone who has not arrived by then will be hiking on their own.
Event Chair Contact Information:
Name: Chris Feduniw
Phone: 925-413.3421
To register click on the Registration button.
Note: Limited to 25 hikers to keep the group at a reasonable size to keep track of everyone so please register quickly. That said if the event fills-up and you still want to come .. just show-up and tag along with the group.
If Rain is in the forecast we will cancel and reschedule the event to a different week.