BAWSC Recommended Boat Safety Items (*required by law)
q *Ski Flag (red or orange)
q *Mirror
q *Paddle
q *Approved vests – readily accessible (not outlaw and not in plastic bags)
q *Throw cushion – immediately accessible
q First aid kit
q Cell phones or VHF marine radios & emergency numbers
q *Horn
q Tools
q Dock, ski and towing ropes (spare ski rope & handle)
o Towlines in good condition
q Anchor with rope & chain
q Flashlight
q *Fire extinguisher (charged)
q Bumpers
q *Ski observer
q Skiers’ candy, ace bandage & zip lock bag for ice
q Delta map
q *Navigation lights
q Spare impeller
q Duct tape
q Spare gas
q Spare prop and puller
q Bailing device
q *Current registration & tags
q ABC’s of California Boating Laws