Bylaws of Bay Area Water Ski Club (BAWSC)
(Adopted 10-27-20)
The principal office for the transaction of the business of the Bay Area Water Ski Club (BAWSC) shall be within the State of California, and may be fixed at such place, as the Board of Directors of the BAWSC shall determine from time to time.
To organize and promote community interest in water skiing and water sports in a fun and safe environment, and to facilitate the introduction of boat owners with skiers.
Membership is open to all interested individuals and their families. Single membership can include a significant other and member's children who are claimed as dependents.
3.2.1 The Board of Directors from time to time shall establish membership fees and dues, in such amounts as they deem adequate to operate and maintain the club.
3.2.2 Dues are payable annually with application and waiver. All membership dues, regardless when paid, shall be effective through the remainder of the calendar year. The Board of Directors may decide to offer special membership incentives.
3.3.1 Individual members (per eligibility) must have medical insurance.
3.3.2 All boat owners must maintain active liability insurance with a minimum of ($100K per person liability/$300K max liability/$50K property damage) and must provide proof of insurance to the BAWSC prior to using their boat in BAWSC events
3.4.1 Event – Event chairperson has authority to suspend an individual’s participation in the club event. A review of suspension will take place at the next scheduled board meeting following said event.
3.4.2 Membership – A member may be expelled from the BAWSC by a two-thirds majority vote of the board. Examples of unacceptable behavior or actions include un-sportsman-like conduct, harassment, operating in an unsafe manner, or conducting one’s self in a manner that is alleged to be incongruent with the interests and purpose of the BAWSC.
The BAWSC bylaws provide an indefinite number of Directors, no less than six (6) nor more than fifteen (15) persons. Members of the Board of Directors must have paid the annual BAWSC dues prior to the end of January.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the officers of the BAWSC plus two (2) or more members selected from the general membership who are not officers of the BAWSC.
4.3.1 Vice presidents will seek nominations of officers for the next fiscal year and present those to the general members for voting.
4.3.2 Voting is conducted using a simple majority process where each paid general membership is entitled to one vote per membership.
4.3.3. Elections of officers by eligible members shall be held no later than October. Current officers have no term limits but must be re-elected each year. The term of office will begin January 1 and will end December 31 for the year immediately following the election. Officers will also be considered members of the Board of Directors.
4.3.4 The newly elected officers shall unanimously approve the appointment of additional Directors, not more than thirty (30) days after the date set for the annual meeting. All Directors who are appointed at some time other than immediately after the annual meeting shall hold office for the balance of the term ending December 31 or until their successors are elected or qualified.
A vacancy or vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be deemed to exist if the number of Directors & Officers has decreased below six due to death, resignation, or removal of any Director,. The vacancy shall be filled by a unanimous vote of the remaining Officers. A Director that fills a vacancy shall serve for the term and position of office of the Director he, or she, is replacing.
A Director may be removed from office by the unanimous vote of the elected officers. An Officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the elected officers.
Directors shall not receive any salary for their services as Directors.
There shall be a minimum of six meetings of the Board of Directors each year, said meeting to be held on a consistent day of the week/month (e.g., the 4th Tuesday of each month), as agreed by the Board of Directors at the beginning of the year or alternative dates upon Board approval during the year. There shall be a minimum of two (2) General Meetings each year
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President of the Board of Directors and shall be called by him/her upon written request by members of the Board of Directors.
Notice of the special meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting and shall be sent out at least two (2) days prior to said meeting.
An annual election will be held each October by the election committee or Vice President to conduct the election of next year’s officers. The current Board must approve any officer nominations and may decide that if there is only one candidate per officer position that a general election is unnecessary.
4.10.1 When the office of president has no candidates for the coming election year, the Board of Directors may decide to divide the year into six rotational slots of 2 months each to further attract presidential candidates. Upon which the Board will then vote to approve those six candidates to hold the office of president for two months each in the upcoming election year.
Sixty percent of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors. Every act or decision done or made by a majority of Directors present, at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present, shall be recorded as the act of the Board of Directors, unless a greater number be required by law, or by these bylaws. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the Directors present at any Directors' meeting, either regular or special, may adjourn until the time fixed for the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors, or such date as is set in adjournment. A board member may assign their vote (or proxy) to another board member if they are not going to be in attendance. Each board member in attendance can accept only one proxy per meeting and an overall quorum must still be maintained. To vote a proxy, the attending board member must bring written evidence that he/she has been given authorization to vote on behalf the absent member (email is acceptable). The Directors present at a meeting duly held, in which a quorum is present, may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Directors to leave less than a quorum.
A simple majority of the General Membership who participate in any BAWSC election or voting process either in person or via electronic media shall constitute a quorum of the membership except for such events as defined in Article 9.
The officers of the BAWSC shall be a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and other such officers including assistant treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms, as the Board of Directors may from time to time create.
The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the membership. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to supervise the business and activities pertaining to all Club functions. Any member may request at any time a review of BAWSC financial records.
The President, or in his absence the Vice-Presidents in their order, or in the absence of a Vice-President, the Treasurer, shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors, and he shall perform the usual duties of the office.
The Vice-Presidents, in their order, shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to discharge the duties of his office, and such other duties as the membership may determine from time to time. The Vice President will also be responsible for running the annual elections.
The Treasurer shall collect, receive and deposit funds of the BAWSC as directed by the Board of Directors; render periodic financial statements to the Board of Directors and the membership and render such other reports and accounts of the financial condition of the BAWSC as may from time to time be requested by the Board of Directors or the membership and shall perform such other duties as are included in the office of Treasurer. Treasurer cannot write a check in excess of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($350.00) without board authorization. Treasurer will provide summary cash flow statement at each general meeting or when requested by any member.
The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes and records of the meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors.
6.1.1 All club administrators (e.g. membership or webmaster) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall hold office from the time of their appointment for a period of one (1) year or until their successors have been elected or appointed or until the purpose of the administrator is completed.
6.1.2 Administrators should perform their tasks with due diligence and in the best interests of the BAWSC with regular updates to the Board of Directors via Board Meetings.
7.1.1 The fiscal year of the BAWSC shall be January 1, to December 31, inclusive.
7.1.2 All funds received by the BAWSC shall be credited to the BAWSC and placed in depositories approved by the Board of Directors.
7.1.3 The Board of Directors may authorize the bonding of officers and staff having access to the fund of the BAWSC.
Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision) shall govern the meetings of the members, Board of Directors, and the committees of the BAWSC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
The BAWSC Board of Directors may amend the bylaws in accordance with section 4.11. Amendments will be sent to the general membership for review. General members have 60 days from the adoption of each of the bylaw revisions to request a referendum. All referendum requests must be sent to the club President and will be reviewed at the next board meeting.