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  • Boat Driver & Crew Clinic

Boat Driver & Crew Clinic

  • 05/30/2025
  • 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Ligon Home Disco Bay
  • 12


Chair: Larry Ligon
Co-Chair: Gwen Cauthren

Event Overview:
Can you optimally drag the rope handle to a downed skier?  Know where the brakes are? Properly pull a skier, boarder or surfer out of the water? Know your duties as a crew member? Almost none of these course materials are covered in the Calif. Boating Card/License or Coast Guard Courses.

Experts will show you what to do, how to drive and pull skiers safely in almost any situation on the water.  Emphasis is placed on driving and crewing on the Delta. 

This is a hands-on course that puts you in the driver's seat after a morning of classroom instruction and shows you how to master everything from parallel parking, skier guidelines, driver etiquette, towing skiers, surfers & boarders, crew member responsibilities, rules of the “water” and avoiding dangerous situations.


The club strongly encourages any member who either wants to drive or crew on a boat to attend this clinic to obtain up-to-date training.  If you would like to gain the skills necessary to drive for the club, brush up your boating skills, or just learn to be a better boat hand, come join us. It is a fun, low-cost, learning experience, providing valuable skill building and enhancement of your boating safety. 

Event Details: 
Spend Friday 5/30 on the water at Larry & Gwen’s home in
Discovery Bay for this informative course that offers increased confidence & awareness.  4 hours of classroom instruction will be followed (after a lunch break) by 4 hours of driving practice on the water with expert instructors.  

NOTEAnyone planning to practice driving in the afternoon session MUST have their California Boating License/Card! 
(If you only want to practice your crew member skills and not drive in the afternoon, then this license is not required but suggested) 

Event Cost:

Members: $ 20
Non-Members: $ 50
Member's Children 16 to 18 years old: $ 20

Event Location & Directions:

Larry Ligon's home                

5597 Marlin Drive 
Discovery Bay , CA 94505

Special Instructions:
Last Day to register or cancel a registration:  Monday, May 26

Reserve your spot NOW (only 9 spots available) by registering for this event on the BAWSC WEB site and mailing your $20 (non-members $50) check (made out to BAWSC) to:


c/o Gwen Cauthren

4835 Cottsberry Ct.
Santa Rosa, Ca. 95405

Event Chair Contact Information:
Name: Larry Ligon
Phone: 707-322-1157 

Event Co-Chair Contact Information: 
Name: Gwen Cauthren
Phone: 707-322-8940

To register click on the Registration button.    
Note:  You will not be confirmed until payment has been received by the event co-chair.   Once the event chair records your payments you will receive an email confirmation confirming you are registered for the event.

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