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  • Reminder California Boat License Required to Drive at Club Events unless your over 60 years old

Reminder California Boat License Required to Drive at Club Events unless your over 60 years old

  • 05/13/2022 8:54 AM
    Message # 12779233
    BAWSC WebMaster (Administrator)

    As a reminder the Bay Area Water-Ski Club requires that anyone driving a boat at a club event must not only be a club certified driver but also have a California Boater Card License Number registered with the club in your membership profile or provide proof of age that you are over the current age restriction which is currently >60 for 2024.  By 2025, all persons who operate on California waters will be required to have one

    Information on how to obtain a California Boater Card including options for how to complete the course are available at:

    Several members of the club have attended the Coast Guard Auxillary Course and found the instructors to be very good and a good use of time as they guarantee you will pass the course and get your card. Others have taken the free on-line course offered by BoatUS that let’s you take the course at your own pace through multiple sessions if needed.

    Once you have your California Boaters Card please go the club website and update your membership profile to include your card number. If you are old enough to not require a card, please send proof of age to our membership Chair Gwen Cauthren.

    Anyone who does not have a card number on file in the website or has not provided proof of age for an exception by 5/31/2024 will not be able to drive a club events until you have met the criteria.

    Last modified: 02/28/2024 1:50 PM | BAWSC WebMaster (Administrator)
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