Hello BAWSC Watersports Enthusiasts!
As summer continues to grace us with great weather, may you continue enjoying participating in the
2021 BAWSC watersports season!
There are two events in August (calendar on page 14 of the newsletter) and although they have filled up quickly, feel free to sign up for them as you will automatically be put on a waitlist. Things happen and it’s helpful to have folks on the waitlist ready to go should a participant have to pull out of an event.
Remember: One of the perks of being a member is that you get first priority to sign up for events!
In this issue, check out the ‘From the Board’ article where Susan Schmidt highlights some of the changes that BAWSC has brought forth this season due to COVID-19.
You also have the opportunity to learn more about one of our board members who is quite the athlete.
In addition, check out the following articles:
· Water Ski for Sale
· Ski Tips from the Pros
· Wellness Recommendations
Click here to read the July edition of Flat Water Times.
Pictures/Videos Requested: If you have any pics or videos of you enjoying yourself with friends/family/BAWSC members, please send them to our Photo Editor, Venice Scherer: scherer777@comcast.net and she will post them to the BAWSC flickr account!
If you need more information, go to the BAWSC website: www.bawsc.org
Stay safe/healthy during this summer season!
Newsletter Editor, Flat Water Times