Happy New Year and Gung Hay Fat Choy, Waterski Superstars:
Welcome to the January and February edition of the 2016 Flat Water Times newsletter!!
Click here to read more.
As we start the new year off, we have put together a calendar with exciting events. There are a few events that still need chairs and co-chairs. So, I would highly encourage you (especially the new members) to actively get involved and try your hand at co-chairing or hosting an event, or bringing your boat to any of the watersports days!
This is a great way to meet others and network with other boat owners so you can participate in non-club outings.
If you haven’t volunteered, don’t be shy.
There’s always someone who can mentor you!
So feel free to reach out to any of the board members.
To help us stay connected before the water ski season hits, we have a couple of events happening in March and April.
Check out the calendar!
- Lynette
Newsletter Editor, Flat Water Times